Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Our minds are not designed to allow us to have more than a very limited number of people in our social world. After the invention of postal service, social interaction improved but the thing that brought about revolution in social communication-how to relate one another is social networking.

Social networking sites have allowed the people to have thousands of “friends” but unfortunately, they are unable to devise the way that how to maintain and strengthen the relationships. This is one of the critical aspects of social networks that I have been experiencing for two years.

It is human nature to have a small number of actual friends but technology allowed us to have limitless online friends. Different social networks like Face book, Twitter, Linked in etc and other digital media are busy in opening up new vistas, all from the comfort of our own homes. These social network sites have forced us to go out of our small individual worlds where the handful of people we meet, in our everyday lives.

According to a research, in real world, we devote 40 percent of our limited social time each week to the five most important people we know, who represent just 3 percent of our social world and a trivially small proportion of all the people alive today.

Since the time invested in a relationship determines its quality, having more than five best friends is impossible when we interact face to face, one person at a time.

In conclusion, I can say that revolution of social networking has converted this world into electronic friendship village where there is no limit on having friends.


Saturday, December 25, 2010


All communication does not revolve around language, it happens on so many other levels as well, such as body language and facial expressions. Today I would like to discuss the most important tool of non-verbal communication that is facial expressions.

Facial Expressions are Learned or Hereditary?
The facial expressions we make to show or hide our emotions are hardwired into our brains rather than learned during life, a study has concluded. The U.S. researchers found that blind and sighted athletes made the same expressions when they won and lost.

The faces we pull when we are happy, sad or angry may be passed from generation to generation, according to researchers.

In a research, it was discovered that the blind volunteers had never seen their relatives’ faces before; their facial expressions were extremely alike. The strongest correlation was for the negative emotions.

It shows that smiles and scowls are present in our genes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


“Face” – a cliché, but it is so true- is the currency of advancement. It is like a social bank account. You spend it, you save it and you invest. When you take away somebody’s face, you take away someone’s fundamental sense of security. You make someone lose face if you make them feel that they are given a wrong or silly answer.

We should understand during the communication with people that it is all about face- giving face, getting face, saving face and not letting that person lose face- then we are all covered.

A person’s face can do more than mirror the individual’s mood. It can create a mood for that individual. So be careful and set the tone for your day with a happy, confident face and good things are likely to follow.
Before you are ready to face a client, boss or competitor, you have got to think about one thing: your face! Put your best face forward during interview, sales call meeting agenda, speech, business communication etc. For effective communication, this is considered a magic tool.

Never forget that the face includes the eyes. Cicero said it well: “The eyes are windows to the soul”. If you are hiding something, but your eyes always speak truth.
Here I am going to tell you different eye movement depicts what?

  • Shifty Eyes- it shows you are hiding something.
  • Blink Eyes excessively- it shows you are insecure.
  • Steady Eye contact- it reflects credibility.

I hope, all this information will help you to understand that the Etiquette of “saving face” is still true.

In next post, I shall discuss how to communicate with impact.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


In previous posts, I have described two worse habits that we develop after acne i.e. pricking their acne and popping their pimples and looking into mirror for hours and again and again.

Today I shall discuss about how much is it important to collect the knowledge of types of your skin. For example, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin, itchy skin, sensitive skin etc. This knowledge is mandatory before you go  to any acne treatment that enables you to understand your skin and give right treatment to right type of skin. For this purpose, my best advice is to visit a well reputed Dermatologist of your area at least once. He will surely help you out your skin problems especially acne and you must ask questions related to healthy skin as well. He will guide you following ways:
  • What type of skin do you have?
  • How to treat acne in different weather?
  • How to protect your face in sun exposure?
  • What is the proper method of cleansing?
  • Which soap and face wash will suit your skin?
  • Which method of exfoliation is best?
  • How to maintain the natural glow of your skin? During acne phase, our skin becomes dull and dark.
  • How to avoid myths related to acne?
  • Don’t hesitate to ask questions about diet, best diet and healthy diet.

In a nut shell, a Dermatologist can guide you properly how to deal with acne and acne prone skin. All knowledge about your skin will help you life time.

Please visit to a Dermatologist once when you begin to have acne on your face.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


In last post, I discussed that some become obsessed with their acne and can't keep their hands from squeezing or scratching their skin. The minor acne becomes severe because of a behavioral disorder that fuels the impulse to constantly pick at the skin — then it becomes a physical and emotional issue that requires treatment. So beware of it!
Today I want to discuss the second bad habit that cause minor acne to severe and other behavioral problems that can make life miserable. People with acne may spend hours gazing into a mirror, inspecting and picking at their blemishes and skin. All that picking and squeezing only makes acne worse, causing red marks and scarring. If it’s constant, deep acne scars can result — and even be permanent.
How do youngsters having acne friendship with mirror?
  • Stand before the mirror and look into it and analyse acne for a long time.
  • Go to the mirror again and again.
  • Keep on counting the acne on face not once but again and again, perhaps hundred times a day. Oh yes, this is true when you ask such youngsters; they can tell you the number of pimples on their face in a jerk.
  •  Check the size and color of acne again and again standing in front of mirror.
  • They compare the new acne with the old one and keenly notice its generation process. They are so much involved that they can tell you every stage of acne formulation and this is because they can’t control the habit of standing before the mirror.
  • Check the acne with finger tip to know it can be picked or not so that no moment could be wasted to prick it and get rid of it.
  • The youngsters keep their acne prone face so close to mirror that it seems it is going to kiss that. Perhaps at that time, they are so involved that they can’t tolerate the presence of air.

Dear this is true, you are suffering from acne and your appearance is not as appealing as before. But do not make it worse by adopting the above mentioned awful habit into obsession.

How do I control it?

This does not mean you throw mirror out of your room. Just adopt few following tips and see results.
  • If you look into the mirror 20 times a day, make it less gradually. Set restriction of 15 times a day for first 5 days. Then restrict yourself to 10 times a day for another 5 days. Set minimum goals like this and achieve results.
  • Never forget to do the Psychological exercise daily. It is mandatory.

You will see the difference within few days. Sure!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Acne has always been a hot topic among youngsters and adults in every society of all continents. It leaves grave impact on the personality of acne prone face.
I observed that people themselves are major cause of their acne. If real acne is 10%, 90% acne is by dint of their wrong and bad habits.
I shall discuss them one by one in detail.

Picking and squeezing the acne:
You will find people always pricking their acne and popping their pimples. This becomes their habit and after few days, this becomes compulsion for them. As a result, they always seem to be picking their acne no matter it should be picked or cause serious pain and problem. They always keep busy their hands even sitting in social gatherings and points. Their best place to satisfy this urge is wash room and bed room. They usually do this when they become more anxious and conscious. A dermatologist may recommend counseling and psychotherapy to help people with excoriated acne understand why they feel the impulse to pick at their skin, and learn ways to redirect those feelings. An antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication may be prescribed as part of the acne treatment plan to help and manage the underlying mental health issue and alleviate the impulse to pick at the skin.
People with acne may spend hours gazing into a mirror, inspecting and picking at their blemishes and skin. All that picking and squeezing only makes acne worse, causing red marks and scarring. If it’s constant, deep acne scars can result — and even be permanent.
Tools used for picking the acne:
People use tools to help them pick at their skin, including:
  • Tweezers
  • Knives or pins
  • Nail files
  • Tooth picks etc.

If you control this habit into compulsion in the early stage, you will get rid of acne soon and have a fine and smooth skin. Otherwise, your problem will multiply and you will suffer a lot as an enemy of yourself.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Every youngster faces the problem of acne. But dear don’t worry! I am sure you will defeat it. I have got a technique to kick it out. I applied it to me first and I got 100% result. I have shared it with my friends as well and they all were benefited. Best and most effective acne treatment is considered very expensive but through psychological help and little attention and no money, you can get rid of acne. Yes! It is possible.
Now I am going to let the cat out of the bag. This is a reality that you have acne prone face so what!
Say yourself "Everybody goes through this phase and I am also going through it."

  • A few minutes.
  • Needs your concentration.
    Psychological Exercise:
    Here is an exercise for mild acne that you have to do daily every third hour.
    • Sit in a relaxed posture.
    • Relax your shoulders. Don't feel burden. Relax completely.
    • Close your eyes.
    • Say yourself "I have 1 or 2 acne on my face and it will be removed very soon."  
    • Repeat it for 3 minutes.
    • Now imagine for 5 seconds that your face has no acne anymore.
    • Open your eyes.
    • Deep breathe now.

    Now you have done. You have taken a very expensive dose of acne removal within minutes.  Continue.............................................

    Saturday, December 11, 2010


    Anger is one of three basic emotions. It is a response of heightened arousal in the class of rage or hostility.
    Frustration is the stimulus that provokes an emotional response. The appropriate label for such a response is anger. Anger, in turn, serves as the motivational stimulus for additional responding which in many cases may take the form of aggression. Thus, the cliché says, “Frustration leads to anger, which in turn leads to aggression.”

    Remember frustration does not always lead to aggression.

    How to deal with anger?

    Change your perspective:
    Look at the situation that is producing anger from other’s perspective. By considering other’s point of view, you may be able to understand the anger causing situation with depth and with increased understanding, you may become more tolerant of the apparent shortcomings of others.

    Reduce the importance of anger producing factor:
    Find the alternative that automatically alleviates the significance of anger causing element.

    Fantasy provides a safety valve:
    Reinterpret the situation in a way that is less bothersome. The best way is fantasizing it but don’t act out it. In your fantasies, you can yell at the unfair professor and suffer no consequences at all. However, don’t spend too much time brooding. Fantasize, but then move on.

    To me, this is the most effective technique of dealing with anger that is so easy and result oriented method. Guaranteed. Do apply it once and see the difference.

    Friday, December 10, 2010


    What is Personality?

    Personality includes the affects, behaviors, and cognition of people that characterize them in a variety of situations over time.

    Goals of Personality Assessment?
    Personality assessment has three goals.
    • Diagnosis
    • Theory building
    • Behavioral prediction

    These goals often interact. A Clinical diagnosis made in the context of same theoretical approach, is often used to predict possible outcomes, such as which therapy is most appropriate for a given patient.

    My purpose of developing this site surrounds this goal. This involves the extent to which knowledge of personality traits can be used to predict some target behaviors. This concern is a practical one particularly in vocational placement. For example, if we know that Ahmad is dominant and extroverted, what does that knowledge tell us about his leadership potential? Or the likelihood that he will succeed as a sales manager? For that matter, what personality traits best describe a successful astronaut, police officer, or a secretary?

    A comprehensive assessment of many different aspects of functioning is required to predict a personality.

    Through a comprehensive evaluation, I can interpret how your problem came about and where is its remedy.


    What is a secret of long life?
    The first answer comes to our mind is, it is genetics.

    Is it genetics really?
    Genes do play a role in longevity. Nir Brazilia, a geneticist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, reports that centenarians are 20 times as likely as the average person to have a long lived relative. But a Swedish study of identical twins separated at birth and reared apart concluded that only about 20 to 30 percent of longevity is genetically determined.

    Is life style dominated?
    Oh yes, it is. Studies show that the life style is the more dominant factor.

    What attitude should be towards life?
    • Get to work
    • Be cheerful
    • Look for something fun to do.

    It is a whole attitude. Interviews with people who have crossed their 90's show that they are blessed and they have worked on it. Get to work, be cheerful and look for something fun to do is their attitude.

    Attributes that dubs longevity's version of three R's?
    • Resolution
    • Resourcefulness
    • Resilience

    Throughout long life, people take hardships in stride, traipse blithely over obstacles and convert many into building blocks. Always adhere to a regimen of a careful diet, hard work and regular exercise.

    Be extrovert, adds a point to your longevity?
    Oh yes. According to the findings of the New England Centenarian Study at Boston University, to be extrovert is a healthy dose of self-esteem and leads to strong ties to family and community.
    A study of Centenarians in Sardinia found that people who turn to 100, have extensive social networks and maintain strong ties with family and friends. They are less likely to be depressed than the average 60-year-old.

    How to strong the bond with family and friends?
    If you understand these relationships, it becomes very easy to go far. Otherwise, it is the most difficult job. Blood relationships are made by Allah and we are bound to make strong those ties. Unfortunately many people take these relationships for granted and lead miserable life. They never get contented and satisfied.
    Non-blood relationships are equally sweet and dear. But here we have the opportunity to select the people for relationships. We choose them according to our whim on selfish or non selfish basis.
    Every relationship requires time, sympathy, affability, honesty, generosity and love. If all these seeds are sowed in the land of relationship, we get the garden of love as a result

    Do optimists live longer than pessimists?
    Yes, studies indicate that optimists live longer. Hilary A.Tindle of University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that among 97,000 women followed for eight years; those deemed optimistic were significantly less likely to die from heart disease and all causes than were pessimistic women, whom she described as "cynically hostile."
    The optimists are less likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol. They take better care of their health.

    What about stress and traumas of life?
    According to one study, survivors of traumatic life events learn to cope better with stress and poverty and are more likely to live a long life.

    Everyone should facilitate a long, wholesome and productive life.

    Love life!

    Live a healthy and happy life!

    Wednesday, December 8, 2010


    Get some space:
    When you feel that a particular person is causing your anger, take a break from that person until your frustration alleviates a bit. Recompose yourself and face the person with little cool mind again. This break will help you to understand the anger causing factor and save you from regret.

    Forgive, but don’t forget!
    Resentment is a form of anger that does more damage to the holder than the offender. Making a decision to “let go” is a process that leads to forgiveness or at least acceptance. It is considered a major step toward anger control. If you can forgive the other person, it will help you both. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want

    Use humor to release tensions or anger:
    Lightening up is helpful to diffuse tension. But remember don’t confuse it with sarcasm because it can hurt feelings and make things worse. Use different mediums of humor to release your suppressed anger as well. It is important to get it out otherwise; it can deteriorate you physically as well as mentally. For example, a painter can release his anger through depicting it in his or her paintings.

    Modify the conversation with yourself:
    This anger control technique involves learning to recognize and change yours inner conversations. Learning to modify the “self-talk” empowers you to deal with anger more effectively. It will help you to understand how strongly you feel the anger, how long you hold onto your anger, and how you express your anger.

    Tuesday, December 7, 2010


    Do you find yourself fuming when someone cuts you off in traffic?
     Does your blood pressure shoot up when your child won’t cooperate?
    Do you burst out when your subordinate forgets to dispatch an important courier?
    Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion, but learning how to deal with it in a positive way is important.
    Uncontrolled anger does not only harm you but can escalates the tense situation. Outbursts, rage or frustrations affects the relationships with family, friends, and co-workers or even complete strangers negatively. It is time to learn some anger management skills. Controlling your temper isn't always easy. But these effective anger management tips will help and give you the upper hand.
    Take a time out:
    This is very useful tip to lower the intensity of anger. In this, count to 10 or drink a glass of water before reacting. It can really effuse your temper.
    Use relaxation techniques:
    Deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation techniques are useful. I have described them in detail in old posts. So, look for them.
    Think carefully before you say anything:
    Otherwise, what you say beyond your limits, you will regret later. When you are angry, it is easy to sidetrack. So it is good if you make a list of your points that you want to discuss and try to stick your points.

    Friday, December 3, 2010


    By progressive muscle relaxation technique, you can get relief from panic caused by stress within few minutes. Yes! It is possible. Now you can alleviate the job stress, work load stress, conflicts, frustration, exhaustion, anxiety and aggression etc.

    What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation?
    It is an effective and widely used strategy for stress relief. It involves a two-step process in which you systematically tense and relax different muscles of your body.

    What are its benefits?

    • Progressive muscle relaxation gives you an intimate familiarity with how your different muscles of body get tense and relax. This cognizance helps you spot and counteract the first signs of the muscular tension that leads stress.
    • As your body relaxes, so will your mind. Big achievement!
    • You can combine deep breathing with progressive muscle relaxation for an additional level of relief from stress.
    • By knowing these techniques, you can feel a change, a good change in your life.


    • A few minutes
    • A place to stretch out
    • Know how to deep breathe.
    • Know the sequence of muscle relaxation sequence:

    Right foot,Left foot,Right calf,Left calf,Right thigh,Left thigh,Hips and buttocks,
    Stomach,Chest,Back,Right arm and hand,Left arm and hand,Neck and shoulder,Face.
    You have to practice this technique in this sequence.
    Start from right foot.


    1. Loosen your clothing, take off your shoes and get relax.
    2. Close your eyes and relax your body by bringing in mind the most beautiful moment of your life. Keep yourself for one minute in this imagination.
    3. Open your eyes and practice deep breathing- breathe in and out in slow, deep breaths for two minute.
    4. Now shift your attention to your right foot. Take a moment to focus on the way it feels.
    5. Slowly tense the muscles in your right foot. Squeeze it as tightly as you can. Hold for a count of 10.
    6. Now slowly relax your right foot. Focus on the tension flowing away and the way your foot feels as it becomes limp and loose.
    7. Stay in this relaxed state for a moment. Breathe deeply and slowly.
    8. Now shift your attention to your left foot. Follow the same procedure of muscle tension and release.
    9. Stay in this relaxed state for a moment. Breathe deeply and slowly.
    10. Follow this procedure with different body parts as described in the sequence of muscles body relaxation like legs, abdomen, back, neck, face.
    Try it must! It really works.

    Wednesday, December 1, 2010


    Learning effective ways to relax may not be as easy as it sounds, but the logic is simple: Feeling stressed and being relaxed are not compatible responses. If one can become relaxed, the feeling of stress will be diminished.
    There are many techniques that prove helpful in the removal of stress. Today I shall discuss  most effective and powerful way of Deep Breathing to check the stress. The importance of this technique is:
    • It’s easy to learn. No tactic is required.
    • It can be practiced almost everywhere.
    • This is a quick way to get rid of stress.

    • A few minutes
    • A place to stretch out

    How to practice:
    Remember! You have to breathe deeply from the abdomen and shallow breath from upper chest.
    1. Warm up yourself by shaking yourself and saying that you know how to control your stress and in few minutes, you will oust it.
    2. Sit comfortably with your back straight.
    3. Put one hand on your chest and other on your stomach.
    4. Now breathe in through your nose. The hand on your stomach should rise and the hand on chest moves little.
    5. Exhale through your mouth and push out as much air as you can while contracting your abdominal muscles. The Hand on your stomach should move in more than the other hand as you exhale.
    6. Continue to breathe in through your nose and out via your mouth. Try to inhale enough so that your lower abdomen rises and falls as well.
    7. Count slowly as you exhale.

    Note: If it is hard to do this exercise while sitting up, try lying on the floor. You can put a small book on your stomach instead of your hand.
    I am sure you will get benefit to know the actual and easy method of deep breathing. 
    Try is must!